Surgeons In Brazil Successfully Implant A 3D-Printed Titanium Skull
After suffering a horrific motorcycle accident, 23-year-old Jessica Cussioli was left without a large portion of her skull. Neurosurgeons in Brazil have now come to the rescue by performing the country’s first-ever transplant of a 3D-printed titanium skull. Top image: Cussioli after the surgery As reported in 3ders, the bones across the right side of … Continued
50 Years Ago The First American Walked In Space, And Didn’t Want To Stop
June 3rd, 1965 was a fine day for a spacewalk. As America’s Gemini IV spacecraft curved into its third orbit, astronaut Ed White pushed through the hatch and began his first stint of extravehicular activity (EVA). Tethered to the spaceship’s belly by an eight-foot golden cord, White tumbled around like a kid in a ball … Continued
Cara Giaimo - Atlas Obscura -
How We Solved the Mystery of the Disappearing Baby Stars
The process by which stars form has been well established for decades. Then, in the 1990s, astronomers looked out on the universe and saw evidence everywhere telling them that they weren’t getting the whole picture. Stars were beginning to form, but then disappearing. How? The Formation of a Star Making a star requires only two … Continued
Shots From Tarantino Movies Alongside The Scenes That Inspired Them
It’s no secret that director Quentin Tarantino’s movies are packed with tributes to his favorite films. So which shots come from which movies? This video places many of Tarantino’s visuals alongside the original movies that inspired them. Jacob T. Swinney put together this supercut, “Quentin Tarantino’s Best Visual Film References,” a miniature tour through the … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
8 Terrible Games That People Inexplicably Have Nostalgia For
Nostalgia is a powerful feeling: it can bring back happy memories, but it can also make us overlook some pretty egregious flaws in the things we have loved. Case in point: Here are eight games that were fairly lousy — but people insist on loving them anyway. Disclaimer: Despite literally everything I’m about to say … Continued
This Is Where Hunger Is Getting Better In The World — And Where It Isn’t
The world has over 200 million fewer hungry people than it did 25 years ago. So does that mean hunger is decreasing around the world? The answer is yes — but sadly, not everywhere. Overall, world hunger is certainly down. From just over a billion hungry people in 1990, a new report on food insecurity … Continued
By Ria Misra -
Majestic Video Re-imagines Earth’s Sky If Celestial Bodies Were Closer
Our view of space is quite bland compared to what it could be like, as illustrated by this stunning “alternative celestial history” video produced by Russian space agency Roscosmos. It’s a whimsical interpretation of what an alternative celestial field of view might look like. The video features everything from the Andromeda galaxy (which is relatively … Continued
io9Books & Comics
The New, In-Canon Star Wars Comic Just Did Something Completely Insane
Oh my god. Today’s issue of Star Wars #6, written by Jason Aaron, contains a surprise that changes one of the series’ main characters completely — a change that, thanks to the new Disney mandate that everything is 100% official, is now Star Wars canon. Get ready to have your mind blown. **** **** Ready? … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
This Beetle Accidentally Fertilizes His Mate With Another Male’s Sperm
Nature is both endlessly inventive and endlessly bone-headed. You want proof? The male flour beetle can, by accident, impregnate his mate with his rival’s sperm. It’s not unusual for females of a species to mate with several males. Getting to such females before anyone else does isn’t always an option, so mating success (in terms … Continued
What Are The Best Scientific Experiments That You Can Do At Home?
Not every experiment requires a lab to complete it. In fact, plenty of them work out just as easily in your own home. Maybe you want to suggest an experiment for the young scientists-to-be in your life. Or maybe you have something to suggest for the fully-grown amateur scientists out there who want to see … Continued
By Ria Misra -
The Reason Behind Batman’s Appearance In Suicide Squad
What is the second Star Wars spinoff about? Two female writers join the new Transformers creative team. Get a load of some new Ant-Man footage. Michael Dorn reveals details from his proposed Star Trek spin-off show. Plus, Robert Buckley talks iZombie, and casting news for Outlander. To me, my Spoilers! Suicide Squad Heroic Hollywood is … Continued
The Major Character George R.R. Martin Wishes Were In Game of Thrones
George R.R. Martin laid out five characters he misses from the books when he sees the show. While a few have had their plots given to others, one big one stands out. Huge spoilers ahead! Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, Martin says that he misses a warrior in Daenerys’ entourage, Strong Belwas, and Jeyne Poole, whose … Continued
The Short That Aired With Star Wars Is Getting Its Own Movie Remake
If you saw The Empire Strikes Back in Europe or Australia, you also got to see the 25-minute short Black Angel. If you didn’t catch it then, you may have seen it when it resurfaced online last month. And if you still haven’t seen it, maybe a new, full-length version will be more your speed. … Continued
ABC’s The Whispers Entirely Misses The Point Of Ray Bradbury’s Story
ABC’s latest science fiction drama, The Whispers, is loosely based on a short story by Ray Bradbury. But as our guest recapper — author Ellen Kushner (Swordspoint) — explains, this formulaic horror/procedural show misses what’s great about Bradbury’s original tale. Spoilers ahead… I cannot believe I let Charlie Jane talk me into doing a Recap … Continued
Ellen Kushner -
In This Short Film, Your Drone Really Is Trying To Kill You
If you’ve ever had your hand sliced open by a low-flying drone, it can seem a little too much like your quadrotor toy is out to kill you — even if you’re just a crummy pilot. But in this movie trailer, your pet drone really does have it in for you. The trailer is for … Continued
By Chris Mills -
io9Books & Comics
The Biggest Question About “Diverse Books”: Diverse To Whom?
The #WeNeedDiverseBooks hashtag and campaign have sparked some amazing conversations recently. There was a panel at BookCon (which Tor.com summarizes), aroundtable discussion at Book Smugglers, and a BEA Panel (which Cecilia Tan summarizes.) And one participant brings up an excellent question: Diverse from whose point of view? Talking to Book Smugglers, M. Sereno says: I … Continued
A Timid Insurance Salesman Tries Convince God To Stop The Apocalypse
In this short comedy film, a very ordinary insurance salesman named Ike receives a very unusual honor: He gets to talk to God. But when he hears what God has to say, Ike finds he has to do some very quick thinking. Eli Shapiro wrote and directed Ike Interviews God, and it’s a fun bit … Continued
By Lauren Davis