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Since yesterday's "the seven differences" showed to be very difficult for more than one person, today we'll publish an easy one. Remember “” is just a watermark, it isn't a difference. Picture wasn't made by me, but I've modified it.
Let's see how weel can you do it...
It's that time of the week again to sharpen your eyesight and sixth sense and find the 7 differences between both images as quickly as possible. The one on the left is an original photo by the Russian photographer ChePetr, while the one on the right is the image that cleverly I have modified. Go ahead!
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There’s a VR game called I Am Security that’s making waves on social media and streams around the world. Become a nightclub bouncer and choose which customers can enter and under what conditions they’re allowed in.
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On Fridays, I like to waste a bit of time creating a "7 Differences" post. Well, it’s not really wasting time. My mission here is to create and gather content I find entertaining to leave you with a good taste in your mouth so you'll come back for more tomorrow. I figure if you enjoy what I share, you'll also enjoy this classic game where you need to spot the 7 differences between the two images as quickly as possible. In this case, the photo on the left is shot by photographer Andrey Borrato, and the one on the right is the one I've skillfully altered.
Let's see if you can find them all.
Enjoying a peaceful day in the quiet city of Utrecht.
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Flying High is a new porn game that showcases the sci-fi adventures of Solar and Eclipse for the PC and Mac platforms, developed by Miro who is best known for Bloodlust and Girlfriends4Ever 3D porn series.
This adventure is a new addition to their library of futanari fun. The story takes place during the year 2039. A corporation called Neo Astra created technology so advanced that the world is almost utopian.
Solar is their assigned guardian an artificial crime fighter that smites monsters of all manners. Her mission is the oversee the protection of Neo Astra's technology at all costs.
Then there's Eclipse, Solar's shadow version, who is against everything that Neo Astra stands for.
She questions what their true motives are and will do anything to get to the bottom of it. You must make choices between Solar and Eclipse during their journey and determine their fate in this new fantasy title.
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A few strings, some bamboo sticks, and suddenly, a toy warrior comes to life, shifting into different combat poses with each pull. This traditional Chinese game doesn’t rely on technology or modern tricks, yet it manages to captivate.
It’s fascinating how something so simple can hold your attention. A mix of clever design and tradition that leaves you wondering how such a basic mechanism can be so mesmerizing.
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Hard Bullet has sparked divided opinions among critics. On one hand, it’s praised for offering creative combat mechanics, realistic physics, and total freedom to experiment with weapons and environments. Players enjoy precisely that chaos: brutal and "fun" ways to take out enemies, like an over-the-top action movie pushed to the extreme.
On the other hand, the explicit violence doesn’t go unnoticed. The graphic executions and dismemberments have drawn criticism, questioning whether the exaggeration borders on unnecessary or grotesque. Some see it as simple over-the-top entertainment, while others criticize it for taking violence one step further in the virtual reality context.
Ultimately, Hard Bullet positions itself as a sandbox game where creativity and violence go hand in hand, and that inevitably generates debate.
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