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Published on 2025/03/11


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There isn’t just one way to start the day, but ours is, without a doubt, the most inspiring. Because we kick things off with the best—something that awakens the senses and fuels the imagination. A start that makes it clear today is going to be a good day… and that the best is yet to come.

➡️ Let's do real, be real with Tantaly, the sex doll torso leader

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➡️ Let's do real, be real with Tantaly, the sex doll torso leader

Doing the laundry.

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Female masturbation is far more socially accepted than male masturbation, and the reason is pretty straightforward: men love watching women pleasure themselves, but the same doesn’t happen the other way around. Very few women get turned on by seeing a man do it, which is why male masturbation carries a much heavier stigma. It’s often linked to perversion, lack of control, and desperation, and it’s almost always talked about in a negative way.

Absurd? Absolutely. But the most ridiculous part is that the ones who use “wanker” as an insult are usually the ones who masturbate the most. The problem is they do it with so much guilt, shaped by traumas and insecurities, that they assume everyone else feels the same.

And that concludes today’s lesson on why they can, but we can’t.

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Anything can be used as a dildo. Nothing is safe.

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She defines herself as pure sensuality, and there’s no choice but to agree. With hypnotizing blue eyes, she can convince anyone to step inside when her husband isn’t home. Just ask her neighbor, who already knows the drill and drops by every now and then to say hello.

The only condition her husband sets is that he gets to watch—either live or on video—which is why there’s always visual evidence of everything Albaandoes. Once again, she invited him in, and after an unexpected footwork display, she extended a new invitation—to enjoy some good anal. If you want to see this scene between Albaan and her neighbor, we’ve got it right here for you.

If you like what you see and are eager for more, Loverfans offers a wide variety of content featuring husbands who know exactly what’s happening in their homes when they’re away… or even when they’re not.

New fear unlocked.

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Tibetan tantric monks have mastered the art of achieving orgasms without ejaculation through advanced techniques of muscle control, breathing, and meditation. Instead of letting the body act automatically, they learn to contract the pelvic floor muscles at the precise moment, preventing semen from being expelled. They believe that by doing so, they preserve their "vital energy" and redirect it within the body, supposedly gaining longevity and mental clarity. In some cases, the semen doesn’t just disappear—it’s either reabsorbed or redirected to the bladder to be expelled later with urine.

A perfect trick for that late-night session when you forgot to grab tissues.

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Red Devil.

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In the Middle Ages, masturbation was considered a serious sin by the Church, and monks had rather extreme methods to avoid it. Some would sleep with iron gloves lined with spikes to make any nocturnal attempt painful. Others, following the advice of theologian Saint Peter Damian in the 11th century, slept with their arms crossed over their chests or even tied their hands to resist temptation.

It was also believed that certain foods, such as red meat and spices, increased "lust," so monks followed very restricted diets based on bread, legumes, and fish to suppress any sexual urges.

While these ideas may seem extreme today, their influence still lingers. Even after centuries, sex and masturbation remain taboo topics in many countries where Christianity has played a major role. In many ways, the stigma surrounding sexuality today has its roots in that era. As the saying goes: you reap what you sow.

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Let this video be a reminder that, today, Monday, February 10, 2025, everything has changed.

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The Maneki Neko, also known as the Japanese "lucky cat" has origins that extend beyond its current association with prosperity. During the Edo period (1603-1868), this symbol also had sexual connotations and was used in pleasure districts and brothels as an amulet to attract clients, symbolizing invitation and seduction. In rural areas, it was part of rituals related to fertility and sexual well-being.

Over time, the Maneki Neko shed its erotic associations and evolved into a universal icon of good fortune. Its history reflects how cultural symbols change, leaving behind more open views of sexuality that were common in the Edo period, which also celebrated other erotic artifacts such as shunga art.

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Mother and daughter fighting over the new maintenance guy.

Full Scene

The stars are India Summer and Adria Rae. Below are a couple of links where you can find more videos featuring them:

# More Scenes with India Summer

# More Scenes with Adria Rae

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Sometimes timing is not right to have a transcendental conversation, or to take a vacation, to drop out of college, change jobs or have a child, but it is always a good time to masturbate. Never say no to a good fingering session.

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Simple but elegant ❤️

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