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Published on 2025/03/18


We’ve all heard about the infamous "gender pay gap": that sinister conspiracy where men supposedly earn more "for doing exactly the same job," because obviously, the evil patriarchy just loves paying women less out of sheer cruelty, keeping them firmly under its thumb—despite the fact that this practice is literally illegal in almost every developed country.

But fine, let’s play along with that idea for a moment: men earn more ON AVERAGE than women, but honestly, have you ever stopped to think why men statistically take home higher salaries? Or do you just buy into it because it’s a mantra repeated endlessly? Maybe—just maybe—it’s because men are out there freezing their asses off on deep-sea fishing boats, getting tossed around by violent storms, handling chains heavier than your car, or sweating away on oil rigs and construction sites, risking their lives every single day. Perhaps it’s related to voluntarily choosing insanely dangerous, physically exhausting, and generally miserable jobs that pay better precisely because no sane person would do them willingly.

So yes, ladies and gentlemen, a pay gap certainly exists. And it seems firmly located in places where most people wouldn't set foot for a million dollars, let alone for 20 or 30 grand a month. But sure, go ahead and keep believing the gap is just the patriarchy flexing its muscles from comfy offices.

And this, dear friends, is the cold, wet, gritty truth behind the famous pay gap.

Slow motion of the day.

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A great dish isn't just about taste—it’s a feast for the eyes too. Get ready for a visual banquet that will make you drool and awaken your wildest gastronomic instincts.

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ExtraBall by lucilboy
Today's slow-motion shot.

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An Uber delivery rider on a bike is harassed by a moving car that eventually pushes him off, sending him tumbling down a hill. The video’s comments section lights up immediately:

- That’s not funny.
- Bro, this isn’t funny. He’s just doing his job on a bike.
- Attempted murder.
- Dude, are you okay?
- The driver deserves a beating if this is real.

Then you click on the Instagram account where the video is posted, and surprise! It’s the delivery guy’s own profile. Here’s the plot twist: his page is full of similar videos. People sticking objects in his wheels, shoving him, him falling down stairs with his bike, or throwing food bags directly at customers’ faces. It’s all clearly staged to go viral.

The real issue isn’t whether this Uber delivery rider is right or wrong for creating this type of content. The real problem is the flood of people rushing to comment without a shred of common sense. I mean, I get it: you’re scrolling through Instagram, a video like this pops up, and at first glance, you think it’s real. But rushing to comment? Do you seriously feel this overwhelming need to chime in and end up looking like a fool?

I don’t know—maybe just keep it to yourself. At least that way, no one will know how gullible you are.

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Today’s slow-motion highlight.

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A while back, we talked about artist Paul Pfeiffer and his project Caryatid, where he digitally removed one of the boxers from the fight. Now, we have a video of Pacquiao where his opponent has completely vanished, creating the same eerie effect.

The technique behind this type of editing is complex and meticulous. It relies on three key processes: the use of previous and subsequent frames, analyzing footage before and after the key moment to reconstruct the background that the boxer was blocking; interpolation and digital cloning, filling the empty areas with fragments of the original image while adjusting light and shadows to make the manipulation seamless; and frame-by-frame digital painting, where, in more complex cases, each frame is manually retouched to ensure a perfect match.

The result is a surreal scene where Pacquiao throws punches at an opponent who no longer exists, while the audience continues reacting as if the fight were still happening.

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ExtraBall by smm
It’s never too late to take an interest in fashion.

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Imagine for a moment that ancient civilizations had smartphones. Instead of artistic carvings on stone or dusty manuscripts, the Mayans, pharaohs, and Roman emperors would have documented their daily lives with video selfies. What would their social media have looked like? What would Leonardo da Vinci have posted on his profile? And what if we had footage of the Titanic sinking, recorded by the passengers themselves?

Well, AI has done exactly that—recreating historical moments with mind-blowing realism, as if smartphones had always existed. From the Mayan civilization to the Victorian era, passing through the Roman Empire and Ancient Greece, these videos bring historical figures to life, capturing key moments through their own "cameras." Thomas Edison filming in his lab, the first woman to fly a plane sharing her achievement, or even the people of Pompeii recording their last day before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.

Beyond how fascinating and surreal these images are, this opens up a huge opportunity in education. Imagine learning history not through boring books full of dates and names but by seeing the people of the past tell their own stories firsthand. Not just reading about the Library of Alexandria but watching it in its prime. Not memorizing facts about the Persian Empire but listening to its own citizens narrate their history.

With technology like this, social sciences would no longer be that dull subject we used to hate. Instead, they’d become an immersive experience, capable of transporting students directly into the past. History told by the people who lived it, with a level of closeness we could only dream of before.

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ExtraBall by besana
The slow-motion clip of the day.

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Vinyl wrap with four different camouflage colors for a Mustang, plus other videos that will get you rock hard.

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Today's slow-motion shot.

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It's funny how when we see someone recording themselves in public, talking to their phone and exaggerating gestures, we feel a strong sense of secondhand embarrassment, yet that same video seems much more normal when we see it on social media. It might still make us cringe, but we process it differently. The key difference is that in real life, we don’t just feel discomfort—we perceive the person as ridiculous, out of place. On social media, even if they still seem absurd, the format smooths out that awkwardness and makes it easier to digest.

Editing, music, and dynamic cuts help frame the content in a way that fits the kind of media we consume daily, but if someone seems ridiculous, they’ll remain so, with or without filters.

Another factor is the break in reality. Watching someone film themselves strips away the illusion, like seeing a magician set up a trick before performing it. Then there’s the difference between witnessing something and being an audience—on the street, we feel like unwilling participants in something we didn’t choose to watch, whereas on social media, we’re already in consumer mode, so even if something makes us uncomfortable, it doesn’t trigger the same rejection.

Social dynamics also play a role. When we see someone recording in public, we share the secondhand embarrassment through glances or comments with whoever is next to us. But online, there's no external reinforcement, and we process it in a completely different way.

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ExtraBall by vikingo
Today's slow-motion moment.

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