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Published on 2025/01/07


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In the Middle Ages, masturbation wasn’t just seen as a moral taboo or a sin; it was shrouded in an almost supernatural fear. Many people lived in constant dread of being watched by divine or demonic forces, as it was believed that demons encouraged such practices to steer souls away from God. Religious narratives reinforced the idea that masturbating was a way of “inviting” the devil into your life, potentially leading to eternal damnation. This fear wasn’t only spiritual but also social, as being labeled "impure" could isolate you or subject you to public judgment.

Now, while the figure of the devil is no longer the main source of fear for most, a new “hell” seems to have taken its place: social stigma. Masturbation remains a topic that, though more normalized in some circles, still generates shame, discomfort, or ridicule in others. Today, the fear isn’t about being condemned by God or possessed by a demon—it’s about facing society’s judgment.

For example, the fear of being labeled a “jerk-off” or having personal habits exposed leads many to hide normal aspects of their sexuality. On social media, cancel culture or cruel memes can become a modern hell, where public humiliation replaces divine punishment. In this sense, social pressure acts as the new “devil,” while collective rejection or shame are the flames of the hell we now fear.

Ironically, both in the Middle Ages and today, these fears limit our ability to speak openly about something so human and natural. The difference lies in who enforces the control: in the past, it was the Church and fear of divine punishment; now, it’s society itself, through unwritten social and digital norms.

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➡️ Let's do real, be real with Tantaly, the sex doll torso leader

Straight to hell.

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It is important to select the right suction cup for each task, taking into account factors such as the weight and shape of the object to be handled, the surface on which the suction cup is going to be placed, and the vacuum necessary to achieve a proper hold. It seems easy, but attaching a suction cup to a dildo can be tricky.

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Voodoo dolls, made from various materials, are said to be linked to the spirit of a specific person. The belief is that whatever is done to the doll will happen to the person it represents.

References to these dolls often appear in literature or movies, where they are used in black magic rituals. In such rituals, needles are stuck into specific parts of the doll’s body, or it’s subjected to some form of torture to inflict the same pain or curse on the person connected to it.

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Iris and Jase are an incredibly active couple. If it were up to them, they’d be having sex non-stop all day long. One of Iris’s favorite things is showing off tiene her impressive deep-throat skills.

For her, any moment is perfect for a blowjob. Jase, who sometimes works remotely, couldn’t be luckier. Occasionally, some of his video conference meetings go from boring to orgasmic. During one of those work calls, he was already prepared to record and capture the moment to share the video later.
The scene is definitely worth watching, as it starts with a blowjob and transitions into a bit of anal sex, something the couple enjoys on a daily basis. As for the ending? Well, we won’t spoil it for you—you’ll have to see it for yourself. Let’s just say the meeting was a huge success.

On Loverfans, you’ll find plenty of people like this steamy couple, along with countless women eager to fulfill all your fantasies.

A true professional. The way he keeps it together to avoid ruining the shot—bravo.

The actresses are Mona Lee and Uma Zex. Here are some links so you can check out a few of their scenes.

# Mona Lee Videos

# Uma Zex Porn Videos

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Few things make me happier than a Friday. It’s like seeing the finish line in a race, watching the waiter bring your food when you’re starving, finishing an amazing series only to hear there’s a second season coming, or being the first to jump to a new checkout line at the supermarket. Fridays are the best!

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Art attack.

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javi, david, eas, walter
Masturbation is usually an individual, solitary, and private act, but exceptions are far more common than we might think, especially thanks to the internet. The web has revolutionized how we experience sexuality, normalizing conversations and shared experiences that were once strictly private.

While we haven't reached the sexual freedom of the Greeks and Romans—who saw sex as a natural part of daily life—we live in an era of unprecedented access to sexual content. It's unclear whether we have more sex than our ancestors, but one thing is certain: we consume far more sexual stimuli and experiences than ever before. Ultimately, the question isn't just about how much sex we have but how we live and understand it in this digitally transformed and sexually liberated world.

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Twerk dance with Nicole Wright.

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walter, david
The "Hohle Fels Dildo" is an artifact carved from limonite stone, found in a cave in Germany, and estimated to be around 28,000 years old. Measuring about 20 centimeters in length, its phallic shape, rounded ends, and carefully polished finish have led archaeologists to conclude that it was used as a prehistoric dildo, making it one of the oldest known sex toys.

The hypothesis about its sexual use is based on several factors. Its design is clearly anatomical, with human-like proportions and a smooth finish, suggesting it wasn’t used as a functional tool. Additionally, wear marks on specific areas reinforce the idea that it was handled repeatedly. To top it off, the context of the discovery supports this interpretation: the same cave housed other fertility-related artifacts, such as the famous Venus of Hohle Fels, indicating that such objects had symbolic or personal significance at the time.

This discovery not only reveals the ancient origins of sexual artifacts but also shows how they were integrated into the daily lives and beliefs of our ancestors. A fascinating piece of history that connects the past to the present in humanity’s pursuit of pleasure and sexual expression.

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Where’s Natasha? Has anyone seen Natasha? Can someone explain why she isn’t here already?

The model Irina Meier dressed as Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)

If you’re wondering whether there are any nude pictures of her—yes, there are.

Though, to be honest, I think they’re all fake, or at least the ones I’ve checked out. I don’t know, my Spidey sense tells me they’re probably not real. Sorry to be the one to break it to you.

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