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We already know Rémi Gaillard likes elevator pranks (clic aquí), but this time it's better than ever.
C'mon Rémi, you're spoiling many people's childhood!
Follow "this link" to visit his elevators channel.
ExtraBall: Well, here we have a really spoiled childhood...
The month's worst mother... have you seen how dirty the mirror is?
Fight Circus is a totally unique fighting event that takes combat sports to a whole new level, mixing real fights with a chaotic and hilarious vibe. Besides their famous asymmetrical fights and circus-style brawls, they've now added a new category called the Ultimate Dick Kicking Championship (UDKC). In this "competition," two brave (or maybe crazy) participants kick each other in the balls in a surreal and absurdly funny duel. It might sound ridiculous, but it's all about the laughs, turning the whole thing into a kind of comedy sketch. Perfect for those looking for unconventional entertainment.
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ExtraBall2 (Clicking on these links daily you support ALRNCN's work. They're collaborators or sponsors and, by visiting their sites, they like us kortumn more)
For the past few weeks, a new type of video has been circulating, originating from TikTok accounts in Brazil, where they combine viral clips of falls or stunts with advertising for companies. It's a new marketing trend that's spreading worldwide. I'm sure you've seen a couple of videos.
She's Patty Michova, and in this other link, you can see several of her porn scenes
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There are some jokes that never go out of style, like those old, cheesy jokes you tell to younger folks for the first time, and they crack up because they've never heard them before. This happens with the Mentos and Coca-Cola prank. It's so 2005, but there are always people willing to keep it alive.
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Someone has printed and cut out well-known memes to place them in everyday settings, creating a perfect connection between the digital and physical worlds.
When you want to make a cookie for your wife with the initial of her name, but you end up eating it yourself.
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ExtraBall2 (Clicking on these links daily you support ALRNCN's work. They're collaborators or sponsors and, by visiting their sites, they like us even more)