RICHARD DAWSON'S KISSESThe other day, I stumbled upon a video online that really caught my attention. It was a clip from a TV show where the host kissed all the female contestants on the lips, and it all seemed completely natural. Something that, nowadays, would be almost unimaginable. After digging a little deeper, I found out it was Richard Dawson, the host of the hit game show Family Feud in the '70s and '80s.
Dawson’s unique habit of kissing contestants wasn’t planned from the start. It began spontaneously when one particularly nervous contestant stepped up to play. To calm her down, Dawson gave her a kiss on the cheek. As luck would have it, she went on to win the game. From then on, the gesture became a sort of good luck charm, evolving into a tradition that became one of Dawson’s trademarks.
Of course, even back then, not everyone saw this practice in a positive light. There were critics who questioned whether it was appropriate or felt it crossed a line. However, the majority of American society viewed these kisses as something charming and harmless, and Family Feud remained a beloved program for audiences.
It’s fascinating how something that seemed so normal at the time now feels surprising or even uncomfortable. Each era has its own way of interpreting relationships and social gestures, and Richard Dawson’s story perfectly reflects how society back then embraced a more laid-back and spontaneous perspective. Perhaps that’s why, for many, those times carry a certain nostalgic charm that’s hard to replicate today.
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Today’s slow-motion moment.
THE ATTRACTION TO PLUSH TOYSThe attraction to plush toys is deeply connected to emotions and personal experiences. For many, they symbolize a link to childhood, happy moments, and a sense of security. Their soft texture and adorable appearance provide comfort and stress relief, and in some cases, they serve as emotional objects that help cope with loneliness or anxiety. Others collect them for their symbolism, aesthetic appeal, or the memories they evoke.
The anthropomorphic design of plush toys, with their expressive eyes and cute features, naturally creates emotional bonds. In more specific cases, when they become a fetish, they blend innocence, comfort, and fantasy, often tied to unique personal experiences.
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It’s never too late to take an interest in the world of fashion.
WHITE ARTDo you ever feel like you just don’t get art? You’re not alone. A lot of people see it as something complicated, full of interpretations that seem to come out of nowhere.
The truth is, art doesn’t have a single way of being understood. There’s no right answer, and many so-called experts are just repeating what they’ve heard or trying to sound sophisticated—but deep down, they’re just as lost as you.
Art is subjective. Sometimes it hits you, sometimes it leaves you cold, and that’s okay. You don’t have to understand it the way others explain it. If something catches your eye, makes you feel something, or just intrigues you, that’s your connection to art, and it’s just as valid as anyone else’s.
That being said, here we have a guy covering himself in white paint—or some kind of plaster, I don’t even know—and leaving marks on the floor. Is it art? Well, if they say so, sure. But I’m sharing it with you for another reason: watch how a woman from the audience seizes the moment to cop a feel—gloves and all. Honestly, the second video got to me more than the first. The first one is just for context.
Now, if I stick to what I said earlier… does that make the second video art? Well, by that logic, yes—it is.
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I saw fear in his eyes.
PACQUIAO VS. THE INVISIBLE MANA while back, we talked about artist Paul Pfeiffer and his project
Caryatid, where he digitally removed one of the boxers from the fight. Now, we have a video of Pacquiao where his opponent has completely vanished, creating the same eerie effect.
The technique behind this type of editing is complex and meticulous. It relies on three key processes: the use of previous and subsequent frames, analyzing footage before and after the key moment to reconstruct the background that the boxer was blocking; interpolation and digital cloning, filling the empty areas with fragments of the original image while adjusting light and shadows to make the manipulation seamless; and frame-by-frame digital painting, where, in more complex cases, each frame is manually retouched to ensure a perfect match.
The result is a surreal scene where Pacquiao throws punches at an opponent who no longer exists, while the audience continues reacting as if the fight were still happening.
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It’s never too late to take an interest in fashion.