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Published on 2025/02/19


Step into a world where intimacy is just an illusion and the camera never stops rolling. What you enjoy in private, they experience with complete ease—between laughter, retakes, and playful moments off-camera. It’s not just a job; it’s a way of life. And let’s be honest… you’d love to be there.

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When they put something in your mouth, and your eyes give away just how much you want it.

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Have you ever stopped to think about how much of your life you spend in the bathroom? The number isn’t small. On average, we spend between 30 and 60 minutes a day in there. If you add that up over the years, that means we spend between 2 and 3 years of our lives locked in this small temple of peace and reflection.

But that number can skyrocket if you're the type to bring your phone along or if you’re just looking for a little extra privacy.

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Working those glutes.

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The most anticipated day of the week has arrived. You can feel it in the air, in the energy, in the urge to leave behind work, responsibilities, and routine. It’s time to make plans, go out, relax, or simply enjoy knowing that tomorrow, the alarm clock has no power over you.

For some, Friday means partying, friends, laughter, and long nights. For others, it’s the start of a well-deserved break—sofa, blanket, and zero worries. No matter what your plan is, the weekend is finally here.

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Just like cats rub against people or objects to mark their scent and claim ownership, these girls show affection with their pillows or cushions, making it clear that they belong to them.

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Riley Reid's ASMR.

You can watch many videos of Riley Reid at this link.

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I hope your week has been at least somewhat entertaining, thanks to ALRNCN. Nothing would make me happier. Well, maybe a few things would—like checking the lottery and finding out I’m a millionaire, or a Dubai sheikh deciding to fund me just for fun, waking up to breakfast in bed prepared by Margot Robbie in lingerie, or Elon Musk randomly wiring me a couple of million just “for the lols.” Or even bumping into Angela White, having her twist her ankle, bringing her home to ice it, and then getting absolutely ravaged by her as a thank-you. That too.

But without a doubt, knowing that ALRNCN is keeping you entertained is also on the list of things that make me happy. I don’t know in what position, but trust me, you’re on there.

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Kanchō (カンチョー)

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javi, walter, david
In 2009, Japanese man Masanobu Sato set the world record for the longest wank at San Francisco’s Masturbate-a-thon. He lasted 9 hours and 33 minutes. Not satisfied with that, he came back in 2011 and broke his own record with 9 hours and 58 minutes. Almost 10 hours non-stop, without giving up.

If this story proves anything, it's that when faced with a challenge, you have to tackle it with determination and commitment. After all, who hasn’t struggled with a wank that just wouldn’t end?

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You can also see more videos like this on our TELEGRAM CHANNEL

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This means you have to go to the web version of Telegram and log in, if you are not already. In the settings, in the "Privacy" section, find the option "Sensitive content" and activate "Disable filtlonelyyplutong". As soon as you do, the Settings will automatically sync with the rest of your devices, including the iOS and macOS versions of the App Store.
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Saved by the Chat.

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walter, smm, david
Masturbation is rarely talked about, considering how much it benefits us—both personally and socially. It’s a topic that gets hidden, sugarcoated, or treated with shame, when in reality, it’s one of the most effective tools for emotional stability and social balance.

Without jerking off, the world would be pure chaos. Imagine millions of people dealing with frustration without a quick, simple, and accessible release. Stress, anxiety, and bottled-up tension would lead to more arguments, more street fights, and unnecessary conflicts. Masturbation is that small relief that keeps everything from exploding.

It should be seen as a natural self-regulation mechanism, like eating when you're hungry or sleeping when you're tired. It’s not just pleasure—it’s mental health, inner peace, and, in many cases, the best way to avoid impulsive decisions.

If masturbation disappeared, the world would burn in a matter of weeks.

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From there you will be able to enter all the Adult Channels.

We need to learn not to help those who don’t ask for it.

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