LIVING TO CONNECTReal life has become an exhausting routine, full of limits, obligations, and frustrations. Every day is just a repetition of the same cycle: work, comply, survive. But what if there were a world where everything was different? A place tailored to you, where you could be whoever you truly want to be, and where anything you dream of is possible.
Now, picture this: virtual reality is no longer just entertainment—it’s a second life. One where you don’t just spend your free time but also, thanks to a neural connection, your sleeping hours. Because if technology allows your body to rest while your brain remains immersed in that other world, why waste a third of your life on nothing? When you’re connected, you’re free. When you’re disconnected, you’re just counting the minutes until you can return.
The only downside to this plan? The time you’re forced to leave that world to fulfill what society expects of you: working and doing your part to keep the system running. That time would feel like a prison sentence, a forced pause pulling you away from the place where you truly belong. Every minute outside of that virtual reality would feel like a nightmare you can’t wake up from—until you finally put your headset back on and return to being who you really are. Pick up right where you left off. Because in a world where you can choose, the real life worth living is the one on the other side of the screen.
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But where did my wife go?
She’s Luna Star, and
in this link, you can watch many more of her scenes.