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I paid a lot of money for it. They told me that it was the best amongst each individual of the litter, the best ever! There wasn't a single pray that could escape its instinct. It was a titan, a monster. The number one. I can't wait to hunt with it!
ExtraBall by ruben
Quick, play it cool, the conductor is coming!
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They say piranhas usually don't attack people because we're not part of their diet. In other words, if you bathe in an area with piranhas, they might not come near you, but of course, it's a risk. Just sensing blood, feeling threatened, or being hungry or disoriented can make one bite you, and if they sense you're soft and draw blood, you won't make it out alive.
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A man was attacked by his neighbor’s four pitbulls, with the neighbor being in a wheelchair and unable to do much to stop them. Luckily, the lady from the Tom and Jerry cartoons was there to save the day.
If it had been a child, it would’ve surely ended in tragedy.
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Rescuing a little bird, caring for it, and setting it free back into nature was a short but powerful moment. Animals constantly face tough challenges: finding food, escaping predators, and braving extreme weather. Nature is a harsh place, and death is just part of the cycle.
So, if you find an injured bird and have the chance to help it, it’s a noble act. The best part is that moment when you release it, letting it go back to where it belongs. It’s a small reminder of nature’s beauty, even if it’s fleeting. Now, onto the next little bird in need…
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Assistance dogs are trained companions who enhance the lives of people with physical, sensory, or mental disabilities. They help individuals move safely, alert them to sounds or dangers, retrieve objects, open doors, provide comfort during stressful moments, and detect medical changes like seizures or dangerous glucose levels. Additionally, they offer emotional support, reduce isolation, and boost their owners' self-esteem.
Through rigorous training, they become true heroes, enabling a more independent and fulfilling life.
ExtraBall by walter
The slow-motion moment of the day.
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One beer, another, the last one, and before you know it, you're carrying a drunkenness so heavy it's like you're not fit to embark on a migratory journey.
IShowSpeed gets into a barking fight with a dog and loses.
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In this version of feudal Japan, the apes have not only developed intelligence but also mastered combat and stealth. Warrior apes wielding katanas, ninja apes disappearing into the trees, all living within a hierarchical society similar to the clan system the samurai once knew.
The battle for honor and survival breaks out between the few remaining humans and the apes, who see them as inferior beings, mere wild beasts. In this alternate Japan, the war is not just one of steel and skill, but of ancient strategies and deep-rooted traditions, where codes of honor clash with a new law imposed by the primates.
Thus begins the samurai version of "Planet of the Apes", where human warriors must fight not only for their lives but for their place in a world where humanity is no longer the dominant species.
ExtraBall by david
When the martial arts school offers a special deal to attract older ladies.
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