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There are things no one teaches you before moving out, but we should all learn before leaving the nest. It’s not just about doing laundry or managing money—there are moments when reacting the right way makes all the difference. Because being an adult isn’t just about paying bills and cooking for yourself, it’s also about knowing what to do when things go wrong. And when that moment comes, it’s better to be prepared—because sometimes, it’s a matter of life and death.
By the way, if a pan with boiling oil catches fire, never throw water on it. The right way to handle it is to turn off the heat and cover it with a lid or a damp towel to smother the flames.
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The next video isn’t just about sharing the spectacle of the ladies on top of the car, but rather to make you marvel—just like I did—at the sheer resistance of that rear window. How is this even possible? All I ask from life is an emotional stability that lasts longer than that car’s window.
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In China, a woman gets into a taxi, and the driver tries to convince her to get out, but things quickly spiral out of control. Amid shouting and aggressive gestures, the woman starts undressing and eventually ends up dancing on top of the car. A crowd gathers, watches, records… but no one steps in. Not the taxi driver, not the bystanders, not even the authorities. The video has several cuts, and what starts in daylight eventually turns into night. We don’t know how long she was there, but one thing is clear—no one wanted to be the first to act.
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A video has sparked controversy in Pakistan, showing the assistant commissioner of Sadiqabad leading a crackdown on illegal parking. The footage captures him and his team puncturing the tires of motorcycles and cars parked in violation of traffic rules. The online backlash was swift, with many calling the action excessive and unfair, particularly for low-income motorists.
But before we get outraged, we should ask ourselves: is it really that different from what happens in the West? Here, they don’t slash your tires, but they fine you—and if you’re unlucky, they tow your car away, leaving you stranded and forcing you to pay to get it back. In many cases, the total cost of that ordeal can be even higher than fixing a punctured tire.
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The slow-motion moment of the day.
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What was supposed to be a political statement turned into a full-blown spectacle: during an interview with Venezuelan congressman Didalco Bolívar, two women started fighting to stay in the frame.
The video went viral not just because of the scuffle, but because of the rumor that followed: many claim that the two women weren’t just party members, but the congressman’s wife and mistress. Hard to believe, but you know how reality sometimes outdoes fiction.
Meanwhile, Bolívar kept talking as if nothing was happening. Did he not notice, or is he just a master at ignoring problems?
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Depending on the pet you have, letting them explore a natural habitat might seem like the best way to keep them happy. If you have a dog, you take it to the mountains to burn off some energy. If you have a cat, maybe you let it roam in the garden, get some fresh air, and satisfy its curiosity.
If you take a turtle to a lake so it can enjoy the water, chances are it won’t come back. That’s why you put a harness on it and tie a leash to its shell—to keep it from disappearing into the depths. The same goes for certain birds or ferrets: if you let them loose in a forest without a special leash, they’ll most likely start exploring… and never return.
It’s great to let your pet follow its instincts and have a bit of freedom, but not all of them come back when you call. That’s why it’s always better to keep them on a leash.
When you realize your drawing is starting to look like something else.
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