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People say that, when you meet someone for the first time, the first twenty seconds are the most important. In that time you create a mental image of that person and you decide if you're interested in knowing him/her better or not... Well, Nicole, do you have something to do tonight?
Micha Hurni: This Video was mainly Shot during a 7 Days Trip with 2 friends through Switzerland in August 2012. Helvetic tricking 400fps.
Influencer and model Corinna Kopf has revealed what she’s earned in three years on OnlyFans, and the figure is impressive: $67 million.
In June 2021, Corinna joined the platform, and it’s clear that it was a very successful decision.
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A few weeks ago, a clip from the movie The Substance started circulating, showing Demi Moore naked in front of a mirror. I didn’t want to share it because, honestly, Demi hasn’t aged well with all the cosmetic work she’s had done. Aside from her face, her current breasts are a disaster, and I didn’t want to ruin the image you might have of her, like I did, from movies like Striptease, Ghost, or even G.I. Jane.
So, what happened? Well, now there’s also a scene of Margaret Qualley getting naked, and that one is definitely worth sharing. So, since I’m sharing one, I feel obligated to share the other as well.
A tribute to hikers and campers who truly embrace nature.
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There was a time when Katy Perry was revered on this site. It was the era when Katy was in her prime, before being absorbed by feminism and getting pregnant. A time when we woke up every day hoping that something of hers would leak in the famous fappening. But no luck.
After all that, we stopped paying attention to her and keeping track, until now. It seems that now Katy is making a comeback. She isn't quite what she used to be but still retains her essence. Let's hope this goes further.
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Did you know that American actress Halle Berry was crowned Miss Ohio USA in 1986, finished as the first runner-up in the Miss USA pageant, and placed sixth in Miss World that same year?
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To get students to pay more attention to the teacher, it's essential to use interactive and participative classes, incorporate technology and audiovisual examples, and vary teaching methods. An attractive classroom environment and a personal connection with students are also fundamental. These combined strategies create a dynamic and stimulating learning environment that keeps students engaged and attentive. But if you really want them to keep their eyes on her, here's the key.
I think it's been a long time since I watched Family Guy.
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ExtraBall2 (Clicking on these links daily you support ALRNCN's work. They're collaborators or sponsors and, by visiting their sites, they like us even more)