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In a world where we often wake up to the sound of an alarm, stressed by daily obligations, waking up full of love and kisses is a luxury that invites us to pause, even for a moment, and appreciate what truly matters. It reminds us that, above all, we are made to love and be loved.
If it hurt me just watching it, I can't imagine what he went through.
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The human occupation over animal's territory becomes a real problem when those animals are the ones that follow our position below in the food pyramid.
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We tend to romanticize nature and animals, partly due to Disney, which has always shown us an idealized image of the wild. However, animals follow their own survival rules and won't hesitate to defend themselves if they feel threatened. Nature, though beautiful and fascinating, is unpredictable and dangerous, and it’s important to remember that its laws are not the same as ours.
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Wheels in mouse cages are used as a means of environmental enrichment and exercise for rodents. Mice are naturally very active and curious animals, and providing them with a wheel allows them to satisfy their need for movement and exploration, even when in a relatively small space like a cage. Additionally, regular exercise is important for the health and well-being of mice, and the wheel gives them the opportunity to stay active and prevent health problems related to inactivity. So, when you're free and the city is a playground, you should find your own wheels to hang out and stay fit.
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Today, we are witnessing an unprecedented social transformation where the boundaries of identity are constantly expanding. I can understand someone identifying with a different gender because, in terms of biological development, the process isn't always clear and can lead a person to be born in what they feel is "the wrong body." In this context, gender identification has been a broad debate, and although complex, it has biological and psychological explanations.
However, what becomes harder to understand, and where madness truly starts to unfold, is when people begin to identify as different species.
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Some seagulls specialize in stealing food from fast-food shops and ice cream parlors. These birds are true thieves, clever and stealthy. Watch how this seagull manages to steal food without the victim seeing it coming.
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